Monday, December 13, 2010

Robert Daly is in the house!

And the always-reliable Wikipedia has information that Max Geiger is being further replaced by Robert Daly, a former Green Beret and Military Video Game Software Developer
Let's hope that he and Robert "Mack" Machowicz (A former Navy SEAL, Martial Artist for 30 years and was featured in the Season 2 finale when the Navy SEALs when took on the Israeli Commandos) will be good as good as Mr. Geiger.

Season 3 Match-up announced!

This, just in from the always-reliable Wikipedia has announced the first match-up for Season 3 of Deadliest Warrior! The recently-announced Hannibal shall face the conquering Genghis Khan!
Let's hope Genghis Khan will succeed where the Mongol Warrior failed.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fighting in the Shade

In a twist of fate, the Persian Immortal faces a Celtic Warrior - but with triple-digit kills at all ranges, the Immortal is for real.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Most battles won (5-on-5)
Spetsnaz, 717

Closest Battle:
IRA vs Taliban (517 to 483)

Most battles won (1-on-1)
Shaolin Monk, 692

Fewest Advantages
Tied--Shaolin Monk and GSG9 with one advantage each

Most men left standing
Jesse James, 2

Weakest weapons
Rajput's Aara and Ninja's Shuriken

Deadliest weapon (ancient)
Shaolin Monk's Twin Hooks, 566

Deadliest weapon (modern)
Mafia's Tommy Gun, 499

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Centurion versus Rajput

Here are the stats for the weapons tests and a little bit of commentary.

First Test: Special Weapons
Rajputs: Katar, 234
Centurion: Dolabra, 114
Edge: Dolabra

Second Test: Close Range Weapons
Rajputs: Khanda, 328
Centurion: Gladius, 223
Edge: Khanda

Third Test: Long Range Weapons
Rajputs: Chakram, 53
Centurion: Scorpion, 4
Edge: Chakram

Fourth Test: Mid Range Weapons
Rajputs: Aara, 0
Centurion: Pilum, 44
Edge: Pilum

Final Results
Winner: Rajput, 615
Fodder: Centurion, 385

Although the Rajputs won, their score was the lowest of definitive one-on-one victories. The Rajput placed just behind William Wallace with 621 wins (as opposed to Shaka Zulu's 379.) Technically, the SS killed one man less than the Rajputs.

But the Rajputs should be on their guard--they could be easily over come in a future battle.

Tomorrow: a proposal for a vengeance match.

Veritas odium paret.

Terence was right, the truth does create hatred. And the cold, hard truth is that the Rajputs reign supreme!

Cower before the Centurion!

The centurion will sheath his sword in the hearts of his detractors.